Did you know that hay stocks were at a near-record lows as of May 1 in 2023. This will be the 3rd year in a row for such all time lows. Hay production is 50% less than it has been in previous years. What does that mean to us in Central Florida? It means that with the spike in fertilizer, the cost of seed and drought/rain conditions throughout the US and Canada the likelihood of securing a good hay provider with consistent quality and pricing is hard to find!
Hay is the 3rd largest crop in the US in terms of harvest acres. Understanding the market can help you develop and implement sound strategies for your equine nutrition.
We know that prices will increase, even though we are looking for a decrease they will remain high. There was a sharp decline in inventory and while it wasn’t at record it is close. So for the remainder of 2024 the supply will be low due to the drought and other conditions in 2022.
With that comes supply and demand. The demand in Central Florida has increased. Harvest Feeds 1872 with the help of our growers/farmers was able to foresee the market and in order to keep our hay quality consistency and pricing purchased enough crop to see us through the end of 2024! We will not decrease quality consistency and will fight to keep pricing affordable.
You’re invited to come see our stock of some of the best hay forage around - we always say the more you buy the more you save - we have all varieties, sizes and shapes…we sell onesies and twosies, by the ton, by the trailer, by the pod…we can service your account for one horse or 200! Same hay, Same service, and hopefully we can keep the same pricing!